WasteCare Corporation - Trash Compactors, Balers, Recycling Equipment, Waste Equipment and Related Products


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Waste & Recycling Equipment Category
Brief Description / Typical Application
Main Material Classes
(Select the materials below for additional information)

Bin Compactors

Can be fed manually, by conveyor or air system

Mixed Trash



Compacting Dumpsters - 6 Yd Front & Rear Load

Outdoor Compacting Dumpsters are tipped onsite by Haulers

Mixed Trash

Wet Waste


38 Yard Self Contained Compactor

Outdoor Compactor hauled directly to the landfill

Mixed Trash



Bulky Materials are easily crushed

Bulk Trash


10 Yard Stationary Compactors

For larger volumes of dry wastes such as compacting cardboard


Dry Waste


Mega Baler

Great for huge bales of tougher materials


Core Tubes



Economy Cardboard Baler - 60” High Density

Up to 900 pound bales of Cardboard


Shrink Wrap


Bottle Can Balers – Vertical & Horizontal

Bottles can balers will extract the liquids in the bottles and cans while also crushing

PET Bottles

Aluminum Cans


Super High Volume 60” Baler with Conveyor

Conveyor adds tremendous efficiency for large volumes of recyclables such as PET and more





Grinders and Shredders

Almost any material is a candidate for a grinder or shredder for size reduction




From refurbishing old telephones to recycling cardboard, the Communications Industry has opportunities to reduce and recycle.  After packaging reduction, double-sided copying, and switching to using reusable supplies, there are still recyclable materials remaining for processing.   Cardboard and shrink wrap are some lucrative recyclable materials from the Communications Industry.  For example, AT&Tsaved more than $1 million by recycling materials such as corrugated boxes, paper, magazines, and newspapers.

Most consumers feel environmentally conscience and 'green' credentials can gain customer-alliance.  A report entitled "Green Values: Consumers and Branding (May 2008)" reports that 70% of consumers are environmentally conscience and 10% are willing to pay a premium to do business with 'green' companies.

On average, the trash profile of Communications Industry is typically 15% Cardboard, 20% paper, 15% plastic, 5% metal, and 45% other materials. Since a large percentage of the trash profile in the Communications Industry is Cardboard and Paper, reading the information regarding Cardboard Recycling may be helpful. 

Using a baler is the most efficient way to recycle cardboard. The Communications Industry regularly has a large volume of cardboard and paper waste.  Containers to collect cardboard can be placed in convenient places throughout offices and manufacturing areas. Using a cardboard baler is easy.  Just open the door, insert the cardboard, close the baler door, press the button to start it and that is all.  Just walk away.  Most balers are fully automated and will complete the whole baling cycle for you.  When your bale is complete, it is ready to be tied off.  You can tie it off and leave it for the recycler to pick up.  Cardboard bales are considered much safer than loose cardboard because tight bales of cardboard have no oxygen inside.  This makes them less of a fire hazard.  In addition, because your cardboard is compacted and baled, you will have it collected much less often.


For assistance in determining the best approach for your particular facility, email WasteCare Corporation at sales@wastecare.com and in addition to your contact information, let us know the approximate volume of trash being hauled from your facility each week or month and the approximate waste hauling cost each month and we will be glad to give you some suggestions.


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