New Paint Take Back Programs

In the state of Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton has signed into law a requirement that all paint manufacturers contribute to and support a take-back recycling program for consumer paint purchases. Such a law has been discussed and proposed since 2008 but did not receive full support until this year.

In 2008, Minnesota was the first state in the nation to introduce legislation that would create producer responsibility for recycling unwanted or unused paint. Since that time,  five other states have passed laws governing this form of waste. Those states are Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, California, and Oregon, with Minnesota being sixth.

The paint recycling program in Minnesota will be funded through container fees that manufacturers are required to pay to PaintCare, a not-for-profit organization that will implement and oversee the recycling program throughout the state. All paint manufacturers who wish to sell products within the state will be required by law to register with PaintCare.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Paint helps to make our homes and offices look beautiful but unwanted and unused cans of paint can be an environmental and health hazard. If you aren’t in a state with a paint take-back program, be sure to contact your local  transfer station of environmental protection office to make sure you are aware of the proper disposal methods!