Phoenix Ramps Up For Waste Improvements

The city of Phoenix, Arizona is starting a new solid waste disposal and recycling plan with an end goal of diverting forty percent of waste materials from local landfills by the year 2020.

The new plan comes in response to the public release of the city’s current waste diversion rate, only thirteen percent, for the past fiscal year. The rate is considered less than the national average for cities of comparable sizes to Phoenix.

Calling the plan, 40 by 20, the city is partnering with Arizona-based Earth911 as well as an advertising agency to help create messaging and educational resources designed for residents, business owners, schools, and property owners. The city is also evaluating the recycling practices of similar cities to what what can be done differently and better. Part of this is the creation of a Center for Excellence in Solid Waste Research which will assist the city and local businesses in identifying new uses and solutions for municipal solid waste.

City officials say that the time is right to boost the diversion rate as a way to not only preserve the natural beauty of the city but also as a way to stimulate the local economy by adding jobs and businesses in the “green” sector.

WasteCare Wants You to Remember: Even if your waste recycling rate is lower than your competitors, it’s never to late to create a plan for improvement. Get ideas from other businesses both inside your sector as well as outside. You might be surprised by what you’ll learn and what can be done to boost your recycling and save money!